I’ve had a few emails from old friends asking “Street bikes/choppers? What happened to Motocross?” Moto was my life and it didn’t just come to a halt, it took a almost a year to decide to call it quits. this is the short version.
On Dec 18th 2004 I crashed and got beat up by my own bike, breaking my hip socket in four places.
It took two surgeons 5 hours to put it back together.
1 month of blood thinner injections to my abdomen, twice a day administered by Me.
3 months no walking.
Weekly X rays and doctor visits for 6 months.
I was cleared to ride in June of 05 & I did the very next day.
I also discovered there’s a beach here and started to go often. that summer I dislocated my shoulder twice, once paddling around the shore break and the other just diving under wave.
ER visits all wet and covered in sand sucked. All four times my shoulder has came out it has been a huge & painful hassle getting it back in, all four times the Dr’s had to give me so much muscle relaxer that I stop breathing. I was really over it.
So I went in for shoulder reconstruction in August, only to find out other than tightening up the ligaments there’s nothing that can be done.
I have a compression fracture, which is a big dent in my shoulder this was the result of another Moto crash back in 96.
Two big surgeries in a year, pain, hassle, insurance, all of it was just a shitty time.
None of my friends were riding much anymore anyway so I sold everything.
My Friend Bill Bryant came up with a bike ride into baja, The El Diablo Run. So fixed up a bike and went. this is where I got hooked on the garage built bikes.
I do have daily pain to deal with. long rides on street bike hurt a lot too so I try and avoid them, I can’t swim and had to give up learning to surf but I still miss riding dirt bikes.
That’s it.