CALVMX -JT Racing Series 2; Race 2
Cahuilla Creek Mx 
Anza, CA

Didn’t meet this guy but this bike looked great, sounded great & went real fast.

I always liked Can Am’s graphic treatments 

I should’ve to stayed home & kept working on the Norton but I’ve been holed up in the garage for weeks carrying on long conversations with two Labrador pups, so Bob and I braved the heat for what turned into an epic day of racing.

There were two guests Pros this month, one being John “The Flyin Hawaiian” Desoto and the second was four time 250 national champion(71-74) Gary Jones. Both are well deserved AMA Hall of Famers. Both hauled ass, however at 52 years young I don’t think Gary has lost one bit of speed or style, Inspirational to say the least! 
Both are great guys and I’m really stoked to have been able to see these guys race.
I went 1-1 in class & I think 3-3 in motos. For some reason we had a bunch of open class bikes in with the 125 motos so there was dirt and sand in places I didn’t think was possible, I rang the living Hell out of the bike hence the blue pipe, we blew a kickstart seal, however there was a great breeze so the heat wasn’t too bad. At days end I picked up a championship from the past series, 1st for the day & Bob cleaned house during the raffle, all & all a great day!
I think We’ll miss next month for the Brooklyn Invitational but we’ll be back swinging hard in October for sure.

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